SAFAS   Scottish Association of Flower Arrangement Societies  
Paisley Evening Flower Club

SAFAS Club Information

Paisley Flower Club

Gardening Scotland 2019,
where Paisley won a silver gilt depicting a Victorian Garden and this was done by
Pat Wilson and Cath Moore

Meeting day: Last Tuesday in Month at 7.30pm

Venue: Oakshaw Trinity Church Halls

Address: Oakshaw Street East, Paisley

Subscription: £55 per year. Number of meetings per year : 10

Chairman: Catherine Moore Secretary: Isobel Higgins

The Club Objective - The Club shall make arrangements to teach members the ways of artistic and skillful flower arrangements and encourage the appreciation and care of flowers.



Feb 27th

Lindsay Florey - Dumfries 

 Musical Flowers


Mar 19th Louise

Jones - Wallasey



April 30th

James Gemmel - Mauchline

 Lasting Impression 


May 28th

Hands On


Sept 24th

Kath Doggett - Musselburgh

 Here and There


Oct 29th

Louise Littlejohn - Dunfermline

 Shape Shift in Nature 


Nov 26th

Hands On


Dec 10th

Linda Souter - Dunfermline 

 Seasonal Sparkle


January 28th

2025 AGM

Please note March meeting earlier due to Easter Week


Email Paisley Flower Club