SAFAS   Scottish Association of Flower Arrangement Societies  
Aberdeen District Flower Club

SAFAS Club Information

Aberdeen District Flower Club

Meeting day: 2nd or 3rd Wednesday at 1.45 pm from February to November

Venue: St. Marks Church Hall

Address: Rosemount Viaduct,

Subscription: £42 per year. Number of meetings per year : 9

Chairman: Jean Couper Treasurer: Jo Goldsworthy

Aberdeen's afternoon club was founded in 1964. Our objective is 'Friendship through Flowers'

The club offers an opportunity for relaxing, learning and being entertained by excellent floral art demonstrators from all over the UK. They arrange flowers and foliage in a variety of styles to a chosen theme. These arrangements are raffled at the end of the meeting. Tea may be bought after the demonstration.

Aberdeen District members have competed in local, Scottish and UK shows since the seventies. During that time they have raised money for charity by being involved in presenting no fewer than than 6 Large Flower Festivals and several smaller ones in the north east of Scotland.


Aberdeen District Flower Club syllabus for the remainder of 2021, Covid permitting...

Sept 8th.   Christine McAlpine
                   ‘My Bucket List’
Oct.13th.    Linda Hartman -tour
                   ‘Love Lancashire’
Nov. 3rd.    1pm AGM
                    Linda Soutar
                  ‘ Season of Magic’



Aberdeen District has always had a good entry in Miniature and Petite classes


Katie interpreted ‘Brigadoon’ at a recent Flower Festival entitled ‘Magical Musicals’.

Margaret interpreted ‘Cabaret’ in ‘Magical Musicals’.


Pati used vegetables only in the class ‘Food for Thought’ in the virtual Show 2021


Rena made a striking interpretation of ‘Food for thought’.

Sylvia was given a ‘Commended’ award for her interpretation of ‘Mayday’ in the NAFAS  virtual competition.


Contact Aberdeen District Flower Club


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