SAFAS   Scottish Association of Flower Arrangement Societies  
Musselburgh Floral Art Club

SAFAS Club Information

Musselburgh Floral Art Club


Meeting day: 2nd Wednesday at 7.30pm

Venue: Ravelston House Hotel

Address: 182 North High Street.
EH21 6BH

Subscription: £40 per year. Number of meetings per year : 9

Chairman: Margaret Strachan Secretary: No Secretary at present - please use contact form below 

We have a Demonstration every month from September to May and occasionally we hold workshops. We also have a sales table and a cuppa at the interval. Arrangements are raffled at the end of each evening. Now in our 52nd year our membership is happily continuing to grow.

Members of the Club take part in Community events by providing floral arrangements for local exhibitions and shows held by other organisations.

Visitors are always very welcome to come along and see how they like the Club. It only costs £5.00.


October 11th
Lynn Stott (Tour), Preston
Title "Look Inside"

November 8th
Regina O,Reagan, Kinross
Title "Celebrations"

November 19th 2pm
Christmas Demonstration
in Lorretto Theatre Musselburgh
Sandra Halkett "The Colours of Christmas"

Tickets £15 from Margaret 0131 665 6686

December 13th
Sandra Robertson
Title "My Journey through flowers"
Please note change of venue to Portobello and Joppa Church Abercorn Terrace Portobello EH 15 2DL

December 18th
Club Workshop in Fisherow centre 9.30 to 3.30
Tickets £10
Own materials, a list will be given
Workshop 1
a Christmas Wreath
Workshop 2 a Table Arrangement

January 28th
Lunch and Demonstration |
in Ravelston 12.30 pm

Kirstie McIntosh, Demonstrator
Tickets £40

February 14th
Cath Doggett, Musselburgh
Title TBC

March 13th
Lindsay Florey, Dumfries
"Spring is in the air"

April 10th
Julie Pearson, Bolton
Title "It,s a little crafty"

May 9th
Julia Loudon, Earlston
"A spell of Wizardry"


For any further information please call Margaret on 0131 665 6686 or email

Contact Musselburgh Floral Art Club


E-mail Address:
