SAFAS   Scottish Association of Flower Arrangement Societies  
Dundee Floral Art Club

SAFAS Club Information

Dundee Floral Art Club

Floral Art

Dundee Floral Art Club was formed in 1957 in the Royal Hotel, Dundee. A large number of interested ladies attended, and it was agreed that the meetings would be held on the third Wednesday of each month. Because so many wanted to join, there would be two meetings each day, at 2.30pm and 7.30pm. Mrs Edna Walker was elected the first President.

As in past years, the committee of Dundee Floral Art Club were asked to wear something Christmassy at the Christmas meeting.

At the meeting in 2023, again the committee wore a Christmas jumper or something in a Christmas colour.

In the photographs, President Christine and Treasurer Mabel, dressed appropriately, are waiting to greet and meet the members.

Next 2 photographs show the committee members Margaret S, Margaret E, Margaret C and Phyllis H (We do have a lot of Margaret's on our committee!!) ready to join in the Christmas Spirit.


The members were also invited to take up the Joy of Christmas and here they are enjoying the Demonstration. We were delighted to have our Honorary President Sheila join us. She is second from the left in the front row."


Meeting day: Third Wednesday at 2pm

Venue: Queens Hotel

Address: Nethergate, Dundee, DD1 4DU

Subscription: £45 per year. Number of meetings per year : 9

President: Mrs Christine McKenna Secretary:
Contact President Treasurer: Mrs Mabel Murdoch

About our meetings


The club meetings are held at 2pm in:

Queen’s Hotel,





Club subscription is £45 for 9 meetings and £7 per visit for visitors.


Dundee Floral Art Club welcomes all members and visitors and upholds the flower arrangers’ motto,

 “Fun and Friendship through Flowers”.


Email Dundee Floral Art Club